Oct.18/2014 1177247-5-1
(Part 16 at 12:26) **Ralph Baldwin on "media ecology" 13:58 "reorientation and awakening" 20:56 hot and cold media ("help" vs. "fire!") 21:00 FW (movie [fantasy] and TV [young are grim and serious] [Thunders 9 {Ondt and Gracehoper} and 10 {television} {applause}]) 23:17 Seurat and Rouault (light on and light through/rear projection) (making process for the audience in Poe and the Symbolists) (data/form [hot photo and movie] vs. information/structure [cool TV]) 30:52 media ecology/discovery is for HCE 35:09 black and white sound (much gradation and modulation, foreground and background) 36:21 postmodern MM 39:23 protecting the underwater landscape 40:26 DeGaulle joke 40:40 "stream of consciousness" (film's effect on prose/see "Prufrock" and the involving, syncopated "Blues" [abrupt encounter of forms]) 41:52 Alex Leighton ("to the blind all things are sudden") (ancient seer and insights) 45:24 effects of the tape recorder (John Cage) and photograph 46:20 programming the human environment 48:05 "wild track" (history of art forms) 48:44 Earth will be considered our origin 49:59 the effects of radio being put around film (dwelled more on the shot ["Dr. Zhivago", Fellini and Bergman], the shot became inclusive [see FW] as in cartoon and TV, the "thing"/research novel and interest in raw data and facts among the young [going Oriental], the existentialists and the new mood [LSD scrubs off "the tape of personal awareness"]) 50:57 McLuhan calls his lecture a "tour" 58:41 the movie as a repeat of ordinary life ("parahodos", prose Realism, and "the great age of satire" [Pepys and Defoe]) 58:50 Oct.18/2014 1177247-5-2 (Part 17 at beginning for 54 seconds [completing Part 16 and then a longer section of this end of Part 16 is repeated at 24:05] and then at 27:05) Paul Valery (Symbolist poet) quotation on the movie as a form of mechanical, visual, memory storage (which points to the more comprehensive computer storage) 27:11 "entropic" electric circuitry (the safety car is entropic/turning inward) 28:04 movie as, at first, iconic and then to the "rise of the visual" (high definition [hi-fi]) ("psychosomatic effects") 29:11 Innis, Havelock, and Barfield (visual effect of phonetic literacy) 30:03 McLuhan says "the medium as the message/massage" 31:06 McLuhan repeats "Joyce's ULYSSES mimes the retrieval of the involving Homeric gestalt/orality" from Oct.4 ("complicated issues") 31:24 the artist (play) vs. writing out your tax form (work) 2:28 children are geniuses until age five or six 33:00 McLuhan describes "media ecology" 33:18 Aristotle on plot in the "Poetics" vs. the episodic 33:37 McLuhan on the non-visual "coincidental" (overlaying) 34:05 manuscript as "tapestry" ("textura") 35:14 silent reading and grammar vs. slang 35:46 the inauguration of the "Rearview Mirror" (repeated the next day at Fordham) (Garden of Eden mentioned at 38:04) (climaxes with photo and film) 36:43 Victorian novels all begin back 30 or 40 years before the publication date of the book (Scott and Dickens, etc.) 39:21 photo Realism evoked the turn toward structural forms (heuristic probing, discovery, and prediction as opposed to a wrap-around "comfortable dreamworld" and "proof" [rearview mirror]) in the arts ("Madame Bovary") (Art and Science joined hands) (Joseph Conrad and Flaubert's "Sentimental Education" boast on the Franco-Prussian War) 40:05 Pop Art (comics, etc., are "avant-garde" in their "artistic mode") 42:51 Dickens and Dostoevsky, Poe and Baudelaire (gangster/cowboy movies, the Beatles, and Chaplin made playfully outside of the studio) ("putting on" the public) 43:32 Question Period begins 46:05 Fragonard, Boucher, and Mozart 47:15 McLuhan says he is not an expert 48:35 people are anarchists perceptually (only trained faintly in books) (Gurdjieffian somnambulism) 49:07 environmental "volapuk" (see FW) 51:19 "psychosomatic" torture 51:42 studying media "like a surgeon" 52:29 anaesthesia's horrors 52:41 no movie effect when on TV 52:58 McLuhan chides the questioner for "giving up too early" 54:19 the need for gestalts/pattern-recognition ("which we all do") at very high speeds (McLuhan mentions speed-reading) (the newspaper as a Surrealist poem or "happening" [no story-line, just a date]) 55:05
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